The Feminine is finally meeting her pain respectfully. Her pain is her oldest teacher. Also the one she's avoided facing at all costs. Finally, she's putting her attention there. It is specially hard to stay fully present in it, and not run away.
Her sankalpa is to shift her consciousness. It is coming from a space that is much larger than her contractions. Her practice is to continue to breathe into her 'not knowing'. Slowly, as she experiences her dark, agonising spaces without resistance, it begins to take her through the dark allys of lifetime after lifetime of victim/aggressor existance.
And at the end of the tunnel, she meets love. Intense, blinding, golden, shimmering love. She melts into it.
On her journey back, she brings as much of this love as she needs, and repairs her fragmented life, replenishes her atrophied arteries, and feeds the cramped and aching parts. Her numb parts come alive, & her body begins to shift at a cellular level. Her pain body ~ a companion of lifetimes ~ begins to glow. The dull ache in her lower back begins to dissolve and with it, all her collected, calcified anger. The area around her hips and womb begins to soften. Every time she enters deep into her fear without defence, she brings more gold back for her body.
She is eating sacred food. Her trips for gold are becoming shorter, as the love comes closer with every visit underground. Her glow is unmistakable.
When she is done, she will be called love.
Sukhvinder Sircar