


with Elyse Archer

Dates to be determined


Are you craving self love, soul connection, and interconnectedness with like minded beings?

This gentle heart ReMembering will harness the openness each one of us is searching for. Expect a brief history of cocoa elixir and its healing technology, meditation,intuitive movement, pranayama, and crystal healing sound bath.

Please RSVP and pay via e-transfer to reserve your spot to:


Early bird pricing ends September 12

$37 early bird ~ $47 after

Elyse is a grateful Yogi who is passionate about love and connection. She is a human who has devoted her life to healing and consciousness development through multiple avenues and modalities. She believes that once we are able to heal and come into our oneness individually, we extend that growth to the collective, the one interconnected consciousness. Her goal is to love all parts of herself and inspire others to graciously join her. She wants to illuminate all humanity with breath and unconditional acceptance through Yoga as a union, the way she interprets this life practice. She consciously moves her breath through her body, tethering it to movement and allowing it to ground and support her to this magical earth.

"I humbly offer Cacao from a place of heartfelt experience for the healing in my felt body. Cacao is heart medicine. Ancestors used this plant for thousands of years to connect consciousness with our Anahata Heart Chakra. When we arrive in this place, we see that all beings reside here, together. I guide an experience where you may ReMember our hearts beat collectively as one.⁣"



dates to be determined

with Mansi

Reiki Certification: Level 1
In Reiki 1, you will get initiation to Reiki which enables you to become a channel for this healing energy. Once initiated you will be able to give Reiki to yourself and anyone else for the rest of your life. Come get “magic hands.”

SPACE IS LIMITED. To Pre-register connect with Bee Yoga

Reiki 1 Certification Highlights
Receive initiation that enables you to channel the Reiki energy
Learn how to use Reiki to bring about transformation and healing for you and your loved ones
Learn how to give a full body Reiki treatment to yourself and others
Learn the history of Reiki
Learn how to ground, clear and protect your energy
Practice a self-Reiki session
Learn how to establish a self-Reiki practice that fits into your own life
$300 (this would make a wonderful christmas gift)
This course is about 10 hours
Friday March 6 7:00 to 9:30pm
Saturday March 7 11:30 To 2:30pm
Sunday March 8 11:30 to 3:30pm and Saturday March 14 11:30 to 2:30

Overall, this course brings healing into the whole being, on each level, tangible and subtle. One will feel greater clarity and relaxation. The flow of the class is very gentle and yet powerful.
Certificates are given upon request.
"There is an unseen spiritual power that vibrates and all other powers fade into insignificance beside it. So, therefore, it is Absolute! This power is unforthomable, immeasurable, and being a universal life force, it is incomprehensive to man. Yet, every single living being is receiving its blessings daily, awake or asleep" Hawayo Takata, Reiki Grand Master (1938-1980).
✨Contact for more questions: reikimansi@gmail.com , 778 892 4010
Learn more about Mansi at http://www.mamansi.com/
Space is limited
✨To pre register please contact the Meditation and Yoga barn at https://www.beeyoga.ca/connect



upcoming dates to be determined

with Wendy Anderson

$40 ~ early bird price of $30 if paid by the first of the month!

Contact https://www.wendyandersonsjoyflow.com

to register

Join Wendy Anderson E-RYT for a deep exploration of breath and the healing vibrations of the gong.
If you are not fully breathing, you’re not fully living. When you start to really breathe into your body you show up for yourself fully, in a way you may never have before. 
The vibration of the gong is a powerful method for reducing stress and an amazing compliment to breathwork. 
The gong induces a holistic resonance in the body and a spontaneous meditative state in the mind, resulting in a sense of expanded awareness and connection. 
Breathwork with gong sound therapy awakens innate wholeness and guides the body to a state of greater balance and harmony. It requires nothing but receptivity in order to be fully experienced, but it must be experienced in order to be understood. 
Bring a yoga mat or camping mat, blanket, and pillow. Bring whatever you need to make a cozy nest for yourself. Dress warm in layers - Some get cold and some get hot during breathwork. 
Breathwork can result in intense physical and emotional release. Therefore, it is not advised for persons with a history of cardiovascular disease, including angina or heart attack, uncontrolled high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, significant recent physical injuries or surgery.
Breathwork is not advised for persons with severe mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms. Pregnant women are advised against practicing breathwork

Space is limited


UNPLUG ~ a one day Silent Retreat


Chances are your life is full of noise. Even when we’re physically on our own, we’re usually still chatting with friends or scrolling through social media pages on our phones. Most of us rarely—if ever—experience true silence.

With all that mental noise, we could all use some peace and quiet. But even when you’re craving silence, going more than a few hours without talking may seem like an intimidating task. If you find yourself fatigued and ‘addicted’ to distractions, a silent retreat might be just what you need.

The Benefits Of Silence

Silent retreats in any tradition take the energy you use for external communication and channel it inward. This type of structured silence is growing in popularity, no doubt thanks to the communication-burnout many people feel in our 24/7 high-speed world.

Prolonged silence lets practitioners recharge from the stresses of daily life, but the practice of silence and its intention goes beyond relaxation. Outward silence shines a light on the parts of your inner life you don’t usually experience, teaching you to acknowledge and process even your most uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

This practice of observing your inner landscape can teach greater stress tolerance and emotional balance that lasts long after the retreat is over.

A silent retreat can also provide an entirely new perspective on major life changes. It’s not uncommon to see expectant parents and new retirees on these retreats. True silence removes the pressure of outside influences, allowing you to examine what really brings joy and meaning to your life. Focused periods of meditation can help you uncover your innately joyful nature and teach you to sustain it, even in the face of change and hardship.

True silence is a deeply personal experience that’s different for everybody; the truth is, there’s no way to know exactly what will happen once you’re alone with yourself.

Silence And Solitude Is A Journey

Going on a silent retreat is, essentially, embarking on a journey—and as with all journeys, you’ll face difficulties along the way. Real silence requires being alone with yourself, and being comfortable with that solitude. This can be hard even for the most introspective among us.

You may experience an intense emotional reaction to the struggle of simply sitting with your thoughts, and that’s okay! It’s all part of the process.

Think of a silent retreat like an expedition to map your mental landscape—you’ll need to include both positive and negative thoughts. The destination, if you’re patient enough to get there, is a place of compassion for all aspects of yourself, and that’s a reward that’s worth the journey.

10:00 Gentle Yoga
11:00 Orientation
11:45 Meditation
12:30 Practice
1:00 Lunch/ Free time /Light snacks provided
1:30 Dharma Talk
2:30 Meditation
3:00 Talking Stick
4:00 Gentle Hatha yoga into Restorative
5:00 Soft Ending

What To Bring
-up lifting or spiritual book
-journal and pen
-napping blanket
-walking shoes and slippers (optional)
-water bottle
please feel free to bring knitting or cross-stitch activities but PLEASE LEAVE YOUR PHONE AT HOME

Come for a day of silence. Refresh Renew and Reflect as we move from winter into spring.
Tea and snacks will be available through out the day.

early bird price $75
$100 after February 28
Space is limited please contact the Meditation and Yoga Barn or Leza Bee to register

Blessings of peace







songs from their second album

Up Coming Date to be Determined

So excited to have these lovely beings back at the barn!
A concert with Mantranima.

Sing along or just enjoy and soak up the vibrations as they play songs from their new album, Trees and Shadows.

Trees & Shadows [A Life-in-Progress] is a musical performance about finding home. In 2018, Marc and Esther uprooted from the streets of Barcelona to an island in the Canadian rainforest. Their new album is the creative outcome of this experience.

The performance is a musical journey that reflects a process of “rewilding” and reconnection with the simplicity of just living.

More about Marc & Esther at www.mantranima.com.
